Hyperion Axie Infinity Scholarship

Looking for a guild that will value your support and value your efforts? Hyperion Guild is always scouting for people that fit in our tight knit clan.

What you get as an Axie Infinity scholar under the Hyperion umbrella:

  • Minimum 40% share of SLP earned.
  • Bonus payments beyond the base pay.
  • Regular SLP payouts.
  • Dynamic teams that are updated to adapt to the Axie Infinity meta.
  • Friendly and supportive clan members to help you with your journey.
  • Events beyond the standard Axie Infinity gameplay.
  • Opportunities to rise, develop skills, offer ideas and earn more. 

Here’s what we’re looking for in candidates:

  • Demonstrated willingness to put in effort to learn the game and about Axie Infinity.
  • Ability to consistently play the game with other guild members.
  • A trustworthy and helpful nature.
  • Personal drive for improvement.

If this sounds like it’s for you, we’d love to hear from you!

You can apply to join the Hyperion Guild as an Axie Infinity Scholar here: Hyperion Guild Scholarship Application Form

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